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Ukraine's Meskhetian Turks peoples demand protection of their rights
Ukraine's Meskhetian Turks peoples demand protection of their rights 
Situation for Meskhetian Turks people worsens in Sloviansk and other cities in Donetsk. Meskhetian Turks minority  wants Turkey to protect them from the ongoing political crisis in eastern Ukraine, a community representative told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday.


Nebican Basatov said the 2,000 Meskhetian Turks  living in Slavyansk are being oppressed by both pro-Russian  and Ukraine supporters.

Basatov said both sides put pressure on Meskhetian Turks in Ukraine to take sides and they are 
"Meskhetian Turks want to migrate to Turkey and need help. They want to keep their culture alive and ensure their life safety," he added.
Meskhetian Turks are originally from a part of Ahiska (Region of Meskhetia) close to Turkey's border. Expelled by Joseph Stalin from their homeland in 1944, they faced discrimination and human rights abuses pre- and post-deportation. Those who migrated to Ukraine in 1990 settled in shanty towns used by seasonal workers.
There are also tens of thousands of Ahiska Turks living throughout former Soviet territories and in Turkey.

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