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Baltimore Mayor Appeals To Immigrants
Baltimore Mayor Appeals To Immigrants

Baltimore's appeal to immigrants. The mayor of Baltimore relaxes the city's illegal immigrant policies to attract immigrants to the city.As a first step, the Mayor signed an order in March barring police from asking anyone about their immigration status and requiring federal immigration authorities to tell anyone they arrest that they are not agents of the city.

Last week, the Washington Post reported on Baltimore’s efforts to attract 10,000 new immigrant families within a decade — not just doctors and engineers, but low-skill, low-education immigrants as well. Dayton, Ohio, is trying something similar with the Welcome Dayton plan, which will aim to make the city more alluring to immigrants, regardless of their skills or education level. "We’ve got a city that was hit really hard by the loss of manufacturing jobs,” says Dayton city manager Tim Riordan. "The past hasn’t exactly worked out, so we figured, let’s give it a try.”
Dayton is home to some 400 Ahiska Meskhetian Turks families.Islom Shakhbandarov, President of the Ahiska Turkish American Community Center in Dayton. Dayton is home to one of the largest Ahiska Meskhetian Turks communities in the US.The Ahiska Turkish American Community Center is committed to establishing and enforcing policies that promote our principles of community.


Категория: AHISKA TODAY | Добавил: alim (05/Авг/2012)
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