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Ahiska Turkish American Council Headquarters Opens in Washington DC
Ahiska Turkish American Council Headquarters Opens in Washington DC

Ahiska Turkish American Council, the unique umbrella organization that represents Meskhetian Turkish American organizations in United States,  has opened headquarters in Washington DC.

Serdar Kilic, Turkey’s ambassador to Washington DC, Yasar Colak, social and religious affairs counsellor at the Turkish Embassy, Aydin Mamedov, President of Ahiska Turkish American Council, İbrahim Uyar, President of Turkish American Steering Committee (TASC) and Ahiska Turks representing communities from 14 states joined the opening of the central office at Turkish American Cultural and Civilization Center in Maryland.

Ambassador Serdar Kilic thanked Ahiska Turks for supporting Turkish American community on issues of national importance. "Opening of such a center near White House shows us the magnitude of the vision of Ahiska Turkish Council. We will always support Meskhetian Turks. I wish them a continued success” said he, Forum USA reported.

Aydan Karamanoglu, counsellor at the Turkish Embassy stressed the importance of coordination among local organizations and mobilization for national causes. "We have witnessed that our Meskhetian Turkish brothers were leading the Turkish Peace and Solidarity March on April 24. Turkish Embassy has always been by their side and it will always continue to do so” he said.

TASC board member Dr. Halil Mutlu said that Turkish American community will be able to preserve its national and religious identity thanks to such cultural and educational institutions.

Social and religious affairs counsellor at the Turkish Embassy Yasar Colak hailed the efforts towards establishing the Ahiska Turkish American Council and promised continued support to organization’s activities.

President of Turkish American Steering Committee (TASC) İbrahim Uyar pointed out the importance of NGO’s for Turkish American community and urged members of Turkish community to participate in U.S. politics. He thanked Ahiska Turkish American community members for their support to Turkish Peace and Solidarity March in Washington DC on April 24 and stated that the success of the march was the result of good coordination and organization among members of Turkish American community.

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