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Politicians, opinion leaders, academicians and Non-Governmental Organization managers as well as hundreds of participants from 58 countries of which three are presidents and 39 are ministers met at the 16th Eurasia Economy Summit held in Istanbul on Wednesday.

Eurasia Economic Summit is one of the most reputable and long established regional organizations, targeting decision makers and opinion leaders of public and private sector in Eurasia. The geography covers the regions of Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East, North Africa and Turkey.

Eurasia Economic Summit was first held in 1998 and is celebrating its 16th year in 2013. The Summit has gathered a highly reputable and sustainable network of regional decision makers in its 15 years of history and initiated numerous international trade agreements.

This year, Meskhetian Turks will be represented at the summit for the first time and are expected to hold negotiations with Turkish firms, according to Suver.

Категория: AHISKA TODAY | Добавил: alim (11/Апр/2013)
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